Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kanye West Gets Called Out For Fake Rolling Stone Cover, Loses His Sh-t on Twitter!

You’d think after the events of last week, Kanye West would keep his distance from social media for a while. But Kanye wouldn’t be Kanye if he learned from his own mistakes.

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kanye went off on Wiz Khalifa and got positively roasted on Twitter in response. In fact, the world now knows that Kanye likes fingers in his butt. Long story. Anyway, today the man gave his haters even more ammo with this gem:

So? Does Kanye like mustard? Sadly, we may never find out, because that’s not actually the cover for an upcoming issue of Rolling Stone.

Yeezy posted the image with a caption reading, “ROLLING STONE SHOT BY TYLER THE CREATOR.”

When Rolling Stone tweeted that that is in fact “not an actual cover,” Kanye replied, “I bet you this still becomes the cover though,” apparently unaware that the folks at Rolling Stone are the ones who decide what goes on the cover of Rolling Stone.

Billboard magazine ran a story about the fake cover kerfuffle and Kanye went on another one of his signature rants, tweeting, amongst other things:

“Aye Billboard you could use the term ‘unauthorized’ but never refer to anything that me and Tyler do as fake out of respect to musicians…”

Something tells us other musicians couldn’t care less if Kanye’s fake photo gets called out as fake, but what do we know?

Anyway, it’s another social media mess for Kanye, but at least it gave us the hashtag “#TrollingStone.”

It’s no “#FingersInTheBootyAssBitch,” but it’s still pretty good.