Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kendall Jenner Wants to Shoot the Paparazzi (Sort Of)

Kendall Jenner may be taking a bubble bath in the latest issue of LOVE Magazine.

But that doesn’t mean the Keeping Up with the Kardashian star is relaxed.

In a segment titled “5 Minutes with Kendall Jenner,” in fact, she’s positive worked up.

Especially when the topic turns to the numerous photographers who make themselves part of Kendall’s life on a daily basis.

“If I could get back at the paparazzi, I would get paint ball guns and paint ball them all day,” Kendall said, laughing and adding:

“Or I would get my own camera and stalk them and their families and take pictures of their children all day.”

We mean… what’s stopping you, Kendall? If we buy the paint gun and the paint balls, will you follow through on this promise?

Elsewhere in the interview, Jenner talks about the days of her youth.

“I wasn’t a bad kid, and I was pretty terrified of anyone older than me, so I wouldn’t say I did anything crazy,” she says.

“But then when I got to high school…I would go and tell the head of school that I really needed to leave and I was really stressed out because of work.

“But then I would just leave school, and I would bring Kylie with me, but she didn’t have permission. I would just leave school and go hang out with my boyfriend and go get food.”

How naughty of her!

Not as naughty as the time Kendall posed topless for this same publication, but still.

This issue of LOVE is on newsstands now and here’s a revealing look at past times Kendall was featured in its pages.