Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Kanye West Needs Therapy!!!

That’s an understatement.

This week’s Us cover story alleges that Kim Kardashian is trying to convince Kanye West to get professional help following his public outbursts.

“Kim is very concerned and frustrated,” a source told the magazine.

“She and Kanye are having big problems that are escalating.  Kim has demanded that Kanye get therapy.”

West’s latest rant took place on February 23rd, after veteran music producer Bob Ezrin wrote an open letter to the rapper about his behavior.

Ezrin, who has produced albums for Lou Reed, Kiss, Peter Gabriel, Alice Cooper and Nine Inch Nails, wrote that West “isn’t on the creative level of some other prominent artists.”

West took it well, naturally.

“Has anybody ever heard of Bob Ezrin??” West tweeted.  “What the f*** does he know about rap…”

People Magazine spoke to other sources close to the couple, who insist that even though West’s “lashing out embarrasses” Kardashian, “at the end of the day, she is 110 percent committed to keeping her family together, and there won’t be anything that will ever get in the way of that.”

“She loves Kanye and will side with him on almost everything to keep him happy,” the source added.

“She thinks he is a genius and that he can rarely do anything wrong.”

As of press time, the source told Us that West isn’t ready to get help.

“He hasn’t agreed to anything yet.”