Friday, October 14, 2016

Kristin Anderson: Fifth Woman Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Assault

On Wednesday, four women accused Donald Trump of various acts of sexual misconduct.

The incidents took place over the course of several decades and in widely varying locales and circumstances.

But they all had one thing in common:

In each scenario, the world-famous real estate magnate and current Republican presidential nominee allegedly groped, fondled, and forced himself upon these women without consent or even a moment’s hesitation.

The accounts range from that of a 74-year-old retiree who says she was groped by Trump aboard an airplane in 1979 to a People magazine writer who says Trump forcibly kissed her while his pregnant wife Melania was in the next room.

Not surprisingly, Trump says the women are lying.

During one of his signature fiery, stream-of-consciousness rants yesterday, he accused them of conspiring with Hillary Clinton, made disparaging remarks about their appearances, and hinted that they’d be facing lawsuits if they didn’t retract their stories.

Thus far, none of the women has backed down.

In fact it seems Trump’s bloviating threats have only empowered his accusers and encouraged others to come forward.

Kristin Anderson was working as a model in New York when she met Donald Trump at the China Club in the early ’90s.

It was an encounter that left a lasting impression, as she told the Washington Post in a video released moments ago:

In an interview with the D.C. daily, Anderson reveals that had to struggle to get away from Trump after he put his hand up her skirt in a VIP area of the club.

“The person on my right, who – unbeknownst to me at that time, was Donald Trump – put his hand up my skirt,” Anderson tells the Post.

“He did touch my vagina through my underwear. Absolutely.”

“I pushed the hand away and got up and moved … My friend said, ‘Oh that’s Donald Trump."”

Anderson says she was prompted to come forward by recently-released footage that showed Trump boasting about acts of sexual assault in a conversation with NBC personality Billy Bush.

“It’s a sexual assault issue, and it’s something that I’ve kept quiet on my own,” Anderson said.

“And I’ve always kept quiet. And why should I keep quiet?

She added:

Actually, all of the women should speak up, and if you’re touched inappropriately, tell somebody and speak up about it. Actually go to the authorities and press some charges. It’s not okay.”

Anderson said she was “nauseated” watching the footage of Trump and Bush.

She applauded women like Jessica Leeds who shared their shocking stories already, and encouraged other women who have have been assaulted by Trump to share their accounts with the public.

The Trump campaign has yet to comment on Anderson’s allegations.
