Monday, October 24, 2016

Britney Spears: My Top Dun Went and Fell Off!

Britney Spears had an epic celebrity wardrobe malfunction during this past weekend’s Las Vegas show. 

But lucky for her – and not so lucky for us – she’s a pro, and handled it thusly. 

Great job/WTF, Brit? 

During two separate song performances of “I Love Rock & Roll” and “Gimme More,” Britney under-delivered on the “giving more” thing. 

While dancing and “singing,” Britney’s bra top came undone, and several handlers came up behind her in order to secure the goods. 

We’re happy that it didn’t interrupt the show, and dazzled by how well she handled the malfunction, but sorely disappointed that “more” is not what we got. 

Ask and you shall receive and all that, but hell’s bells. 

Wish fulfillment isn’t exactly a thing, apparently. 

Perhaps she was trying to capture Tom Hiddleston’s eye even harder, as it’s been reported that Britney and Tom are a budding couple

Sources revealed that Britney’s been “really into” British guys lately, and thinks that Tom is all sorts of charming and wonderful, and probably undeserving of Taylor Swift and her fake swerve. 

One never knows, right? 

That, or perhaps she was trying to cause another scandal that would push her out of the spotlight again, so Britney could realize her unfulfilled dream of becoming a teacher. 

Yeah, we can’t see Britney as a teacher – especially since our eyes can never unsee the video for “Baby One More Time,” but hey. 

Some of us – ahem – wanted to be an astronaut when they were little, and could have, if it weren’t for a debilitating lack of math skills and an equally-debilitating fear of heights. 

We’re not sure what the deal was, but we’re just outright disappointed that she’s been in the business for so long that this didn’t even throw her off her game a bit. 

In a recent interview, Britney spoke about her anxiety and how she’s way more accepting of herself than she had been in prior years. 

“I moved to Los Angeles when I was very young,” she said. 

“I was so under scrutiny.” 

“If a hair was out of place, I’d be so anxious,” Brit continued. 

“I would get very anxious about so many things.” 

“Becoming a mother and being with my boys,” she went on, “has made me so much more accepting of myself.” 

“I’m their mom, whatever. That has been a really big thing for me over these last few years,” she reflected. 

We get it, girl.  

And we totally respect you and all that you do, even if we are still dying for just a peek. 

(Just a peek.) 

You’re a total inspiration, and the way you’ve gotten things together over the years is nothing short of miraculous. 

(Now just a peek, okay?) 
