Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brody Jenner: I Could Not Give a Rat"s Ass About Kim Kardashian Robbery!

Brody Jenner just won’t let the feud with Kim Kardashian die, will he? 

Jenner reported that though he texted Kardashian to wish her well after her hostage experience, he didn’t actually speak to her over the phone or face-to-face. 

Brody told Us Weekly, “I don’t want to get too much into it.” 

“I’ll say I haven’t talked to Kim,” he revealed. 

“I’ve texted her to show my support and let her know I’m thinking of her.” 

“Other than that, I haven’t spoken to her,” he said, matter-of-factly. 

“I wish her all the best, I really do,” he continued. 

“[But I] have no idea what’s going on.” 

Jenner and Kardashian have had a contentious relationship, to say the least, but when you’re Brody Jenner, douche extraordinaire, it’s hard not to have beef with everybody, right? 

Back in 2013, Brody was alleged to have told his father, then-Bruce Jenner, to divorce Kris

It was alleged that Brody had some serious beef with Kris for taking time away from Bruce’s first family, which included Brody. 

About Kris, Brody said, “Over the years growing up, I thought Kris was the reason I didn’t see my father and kind of painted her as the villain.” 

Don’t speak too soon, Brode.  

On an old Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode, Jenner lashed out at Kris and said, “I don’t think you’ve ever given two s–ts about the way [brother] Brandon and I have grown up.”

Jenner wasn’t even in attendance at Kim’s lavish 2014 wedding to Kanye West, mostly because he’s a douche, but partially because she is, too. 

It was reported that Jenner didn’t even receive an invitation to the couple’s nuptials. 

He did, however, make it to Reggie Bush’s wedding … who happens to be Kim’s ex, and who married a Kim K-lookalike. 


About Reggie’s wedding, Brody said, “I love Reggie.” 

“It was a great wedding,” he gushed. “It was beautiful.” 

In return for not being invited to Kim’s wedding, it was reported that Brody banned her from his 2014 birthday party, and the feud burned on. 

“There was never any thought to even invite Kim,” it was reported. 

“Publicly, the two will say ‘there is no feud,’ but that is all for keeping up the appearance of having a big extended family for the sake of [Keeping Up With the Kardashians].” 

We’re totally gonna take the source’s word on that, because it is as plain as the nose job on Khloe’s face. 

Ini 2016, Brody simply blasted the Kardashians outright, without any pretense or façade. 

When approached by a fan at Coachella, who simply wanted to congratulate him on his family’s success, Brody shot back, “They’re not f–king family!” 

Not his “f–king family,” indeed. 

Who needs family like this when you can have enemies like the Jenners? Or the Kardashians, for that matter? 

