Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Is It Really Canceled?

The fate of Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been a hot topic ever since Kim was robbed at gunpoint in Paris. 

The reality TV series that propelled the Kardashians to star status could really be over. 

There’s no denying that the ratings have cooled off for the series, but E! must make a lot from international sales of the show. 

It’s crazy to think just how big the show is worldwide. 

Rob & Chyna may be winning more ratings in the U.S. but it’s not as established as the parent series is around the world. 

There has been ridiculous reports that Kim being robbed was staged to reverse the ratings trajectory for the series, but that seems a bit farfetched. 

According to an unverified story, Kim revealed that she was the one to blame for the whole mess and she was unaware that it was a crime to file a report about a fake crime. 

What the heck?

If it did turn out to be fake, the whole Kardashian clan would probably end up serving time, so there’s virtually no way they would have faked it. 

Granted, it would be a complete desperate attempt for ratings, but it also appears that Kim has been gradually fazed out of the reality hit. 

She’s nowhere near as prominent on the series as she once was, so there’s that.

If anything, it would make sense for Kim to depart the series. 

It’s clear she’s pretty over it, but whether the rest of the Kardashian Klan wants out is another story. 

Rob is covered with his own show, but based on the drama behind the scenes, there’s a good chance that it won’t be lasting very long. 

With all of that in mind, Keeping Up with the Kardashians is scheduled to return on October 23 with the second half of Season 12. 

That still appears to be part of E!’s agenda, but we have no idea when, or if the series will go back into production to complete the rest of Season 13. 

It’s hard to imagine the show not addressing the robbery.

Given how quiet Kim has been in the aftermath of her ordeal, televising it could result in some bumper ratings. 

Maybe, with the right amount of money, the show will return. 

It needs to start going back up in the ratings to have any hope of staying on the air much longer. 

The best days are certainly behind the genre defining series. 

Kris Jenner will no doubt be wheeling and dealing to keep the show on the air. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!
