Saturday, October 22, 2016

Donald Trump Jr: My Dad is a Pig Just Like You!

Donald Trump Jr. is as big a pig as his father … and he’s apparently not afraid to let you know it. 

Trump Jr. recently defended his father’s comments on women’s bodies, and boy, was it terrible. 

In a radio interview with KIRO’s Dori Monson show, Trump Jr. defended his father’s disgusting “locker room” talk, essentially saying that every man is a pig. 

“Obviously [my father] is not happy about [the comments coming to light], but I think we probably all know guys who have had conversations with other guys that go a little bit in that direction,” he said. 

“That’s a fact of life.” 

Except no, most men don’t talk about sexually assaulting other women and forcing them to do things they don’t want to do. 

That’s called “deviance.” 

“I think he’s able to related to ordinary Americans, because in many cases, he is still very much like that,” Trump Jr. continued. 

“He does do that.” 

“He hasn’t spent his whole life sitting there, polishing every statement he’s ever made; every conversation he’s ever had,” he explained. 

“[Trump] doesn’t run a focus group so he can tell you what he’s thinking,” he continued, apparently taking a jab at Hillary Clinton. 

“He speaks from the heart [Edit: From the wang. Donald Trump speaks from the wang].”

“He realizes [that he made a mistake] because he hasn’t spent his whole life just trying to be a politician,” he boasted. 

He continued, blasting the “rigged” election. 

“My father has had a life of 40 years in the public eye, and all of a sudden, 20 days against, probably the most corrupt politician in the history of American politics, all of a sudden, all these magical things appeared.”  

He’s talking about Hillary there, in case you thought, perhaps, he was talking about his own father. 

“Give me a break,” he scoffed. 

“That stuff wasn’t going to come out when he was doing The Apprentice, and he was on TV on one of the number one shows in the country every week.” 

“It just shows you how rigged this system is and how disgusting it is,” Trump Jr. lamented. 

Right, Trumpsy.  

So, let’s recap: according to Trump Jr., all men are disgusting, sexually-harassing pigs with no concept of boundaries or respect for women. 

That’s all pretty cut and dry. 

Also, we heard a lot of “rigged rigged rigged” among the blah blah blah, so there’s that. 

But the thing is, not every man is a pig like Donald Trump. 

Or apparently, his son. 

And further, if that is the truth that Trump’s locker room talk is a “fact of life,” then how about this: let’s change the damn conversation. 

Because nobody should be objectified by anybody … and especially not someone in “power.” 

That’s exploitation in addition to objectivity, and there’s no room for the commander in chief to possess any of those disgusting traits. 

Get on the bus, Gus. 
