Friday, October 14, 2016

Kim Zolciak to Brielle Biermann: Get A Boob Job!

Kim Zolciak is, to put it simply, the worst.

She’s unbearable for many reasons — don’t act like you don’t lose just a little bit of sanity every time she denies Photoshopping another damn bikini selfie — but one of the biggest issues people have with her is with her parenting skills.

Or lack thereof.

Take, for instance, the way Kim chose to deal with her daughter Brielle Biermann and her insecurity about her lips.

Earlier this year, Kim said that 19-year-old Brielle had been complaining about her lips for five years — so since she was a very impressionable 14 years old.

But instead of trying to help Brielle get some confidence, instead of telling her that she’s beautiful the way she is and telling her all those other nice things moms say, Kim told her to “go fix them!”

In another interview, this one from just last month, Kim was asked about why she allows Brielle to get lip injections, and she answered with “Why not? Shoot it up!”


But while there’s something that’s undeniably weird and sad about Kim encouraging Brielle to get lip injections, there’s something downright depressing about what she’s doing now.

Kim just did a new interview with Hollywood Today Live, and she was asked how she’d react if Brielle wanted to get some major plastic surgery.

“I think she should wait until she has children,” she answered. “I tell her, ‘You want bigger boobs? You need to breastfeed,’ I’m big on breastfeeding. I breastfed all of mine. ‘Then go do it when you’re done."”

“I feel like she did her lips, everybody freaked out. She’s an adult. It’s fine.”

As for why everyone freaked out, Kim explained that it was “because we’re honest about it and because I went with her because I’m gonna take her to the best, otherwise I don’t know where she would’ve ended up.”

“People did freak out over that,” she admitted, “but I feel like you should just be honest. Women should help other women.”

Oh, is this a feminist argument now? Women can’t criticize other women about anything ever? Cool.

Really though, we shouldn’t be surprised that Kim thinks it’s fine to recommend boob jobs to her kids, because you know Kim is all about that plastic surgery life.

Just last night, she shared a paparazzi pic on Instagram that showed her leaving a dermatology office with her husband, Kroy Biermann.

“On your mark.. get set.. go! Lol!!,” she captioned the photo. “Kroy always looking out for me. You know I had to get those cellulite dimples perfected. Thank you @simonourianmd1 (video coming tomorrow).”

Heaven help us all.
