Friday, October 14, 2016

Corey Feldman Apologizes for Appalling American Flag Drop

Corey Feldman returned to The Today Show on Thursday morning.

He did so about one month after singing a song on that same program that was panned so strenuously across the Internet that Feldman said he considered killing himself in response.

You can watch this original Feldman in the video above.

Undeterred by critics in the end, however, Feldman sang a track titled “Take a Stand” on Today yesterday.

Of the performance, he said on air:

“We’re doing something new that hasn’t been done before. But it’s all about innovation and being an artist, and we can’t be afraid to share our art.

“This song is for America.”

Who could argue with that sentiment, right? Aside from Colin Kaepernick? (Just kidding.)

As for the performance itself? We’ll let you be the judge:

Soon after Feldman concluded, however, a new controversy arose.

This one did not center on Feldman’s (lack of) talent, but on the fact that he dropped the American Flag to the ground soon after singing the final verse.

It was picked up and handed back to him by Tamron Hall, but not before viewers took notice and hammered the actor for his appalling act.

In response to the flag flap, Feldman has issued an apology and explanation to People Magazine.

“We were excited and grateful to be asked to return to the Today show, but there wasn’t much time to prepare,” it reads.

“We scrambled to find an American flag to use as a patriotic symbol at the last minute and with no rehearsal.

“Once I was on stage, my brain reverted to my choreography, which was to throw my hands up in the air with a peace sign. As a dancer, my instinct is to drop anything in my hands.”

Feldman concluded as follows:

“In that live moment, it came off as wrong and for that I’m deeply sorry. It was the exact opposite of my intention.”

Poor Corey Feldman. He really can’t seem to win, huh?

But at least he continues to try.

And he told Hall that he performed for a second time on Today because he was not about to let “the bullies win,” responding to the swath of criticism that has been coming his way.

It’s an admirable attitude.

Just consider some of the responses on Twitter to his appearance in September.

“Corey Feldman is on the Today show and he looks like Lord Voldemort. And he’s doing the robot. Jesus, please fix it,” wrote one user, while another added at the time:

“Not sure what’s happening with Corey Feldman on the @TODAYshow right now but it seems like an EDM exorcism.””

Harsh, people. Way too harsh.

Similarly, folks must chill out about the American Flag.

It is a symbol of freedom and artistic expression. There are actual amendments that guarantee these things to U.S. citizens.

If the country is so fragile that simply dropping the flag on the ground is cause for an uproar, well…

… that says a lot more right there than anything Corey Feldman has done or said on television.
