Friday, October 28, 2016

Catelynn Lowell Misses Milestone Moment in Daughter"s Life

Once considered the most stable couple in the Teen Mom franchise, Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell have endured some serious turmoil over the course of the show’s current season.

There have been rumors that Catelynn and Tyler are headed for divorce, but the Baltierras have repeatedly put their fans’ minds at ease on social media.

However, a preview from this week’s episode is sure to spark rumors of further difficulties in the young parents’ marriage:

In the clip above, Tyler takes daughter Novalee for her first haircut.

Interestingly, he does so without Catelynn.

Kids’ first haircuts are generally considered to be something milestone occasions, and Catelynn acknowledges this by asking Tyler to save a hair clipping.

In the preview, no reason is given for why she decided to stay home, but we get the feeling the episode will offer an explanation of the situation.

On the bright side, Novalee seems perfectly comfortable in the hairdresser’s chair.

The trip goes off without a hitch, and Tyler procures the requested lock of hair for Nova’s baby book.

It seems Tyler is a regular at the establishment, and the stylist even asks about his troubled father, Butch.

As you may have, Butch Baltierra was arrested recently.

Sadly, he’s been in and out of jail for most of Tyler’s life as a result of ongoing addiction issues.

Tyler gives the stylist a positive update, but it’s not clear when the scene was filmed.

Based on the clothing, it seems it was shot over the summer, which makes Tyler’s optimism about his father’s future downright heartbreaking.

Naturally, fans are discussing the scene on social media, and it seems many are under the impression that Catelynn didn’t join Tyler and Nova because she’s trying to limit the amount of time she spends in public in the wake of her recent rehab stint.

We’ll have to wait for the episode to find out if that’s the case.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to get caught up in time.
