Monday, October 17, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: PREGNANT With Tristan Thompson"s Baby?!

It’s been less than two months since we first learned that Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson are dating, but sources say the couple is zipping past relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

“When Khloe falls in love, she falls hard and fast—and Tristan is no different,” one insider tells Hollywood Life.

Does that mean the couple is already talking marriage?


But those closest to Khloe and Tristan (Khristan? Troe?) seem convinced that they’ve already taken an even bigger leap together.

It seems rumors that Khloe Kardashian is pregnant surface every time she enters a new relationship, but the reports have never been this early or this persistent.

Sources say Khloe sees the Cleveland Cavs center as definite father material, and there’s reason to believe that she’s already expecting.

“[Khloe] wants to get pregnant naturally, and for sure a part of her would love it to be Tristan’s baby,” one insider says.

“She’s so into him and he’s so gorgeous, she’s already commented on how beautiful their kids would be.”

It’s wonderful news for a reality star who’s never been shy about her desire to become a mom.

But there is a sad corollary to this happy development.

Lamar Odom has reportedly asked Khloe not to hook up with guys that he knows from his days in the NBA, but it seems the league will continue to serve as her personal dating pool.

Earlier this year, Khloe dated James Harden of the Houston Rockets, and Lamar is reportedly devastated by reports that she and Thompson are already in it for the long haul. 

“He feels like she’s hooking up with dudes in the league to f-ck with him and his mental state,” one insider claims.

The source adds that news of Khloe and Tristan’s relationship has sent Lamar into a dangerous downward spiral:

“When he saw pics of them together he was hurt,” the insider says.

“[Lamar] still very much loves Khloe. He would be back with her in a heartbeat if she’d chill out and stop trying to control every aspect of his life.”

Sadly, it sounds as though he may never get that chance, as if rumors are to be believed, Khloe has well and truly moved on. 
