Saturday, October 15, 2016

Miranda Kerr Security Guard STABBED In Altercation With Intruder

Things got pretty scary at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu mansion on Friday morning. 

An intruder engaged in a brutal fight with Kerr’s security guard. 

That altercation sent both people to the hospital. 

They were both airlifted. 

Details are pretty sketchy at the moment, but we’re hearing that the intruder gained access to the grounds of the mansion by climbing over a fence. 

We’re hearing that the intruder stabbed the security guard in the eye. 

This paved the way for the security guard to open fire on the trespasser. 

When it was all said and done, the two of them wound up in hospital. 

The security guard was treated for stab wounds, while the intruder was treated for a gunshot to the head. 

Word is that both of them are going to be okay. 

This is without a doubt one of the scariest celebrity incidents in recent memory. 

Kerr was not at home when the incident occurred, but it’s scary to imagine how the incident might have played out if she was. 

Anything could have happened, but Kerr must be thankful she has a securty guard who swung into action to protect her home as soon as he made contact with the perpetrator. 

Celebrity security has been questioned a lot recently in the wake of Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in Paris. 

It’s unclear where Kerr’s 5-year-old son, Flynn, was at the time of the incident. 

Flynn is the child Kerr shares with Orlando Bloom. 

Orlando is currently dating Katy Perry and Miranda is less than impressed by the pairing.

It was recently revealed that the former couple manage to co-parent amicably, but there are some strict rules in place. 

Orlando allegedly broke one of those golden rules when he attended the birthday party of Robert Downey, Jr’s son. 

Rules are in place for a reason, but there were also reports that Miranda is not impressed with Katy. 

This all allegedly stems from Miranda having a hold over Orlando. 

Sounds pretty crazy. Right?

Miranda recently got engaged to Evan Spiegel

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!
