Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Chris Brown: Is He Going After Rihanna?!

It was only yesterday that we learned the tragic news that Drake and Rihanna had split … when we placed the final nail in true love’s coffin.

Sure, they weren’t together all that long in the grand scheme of things, but they sure made their time count, didn’t they?

Aside from the cheating rumors and their on-again, off-again nonsense, they really did seem to be crazy about each other.

Who could forget their PDA-tastic show at the VMAs back in August, when Drake said that Rihanna was “someone I’ve been in love with since I was 22 years old”?

He called her “one of my best friends in the world,” and said that he’s looked up to her “all my adult life.”

Yes, there was a time when Drake and Rihanna were the very definition of #RelationshipGoals, but sadly, that time has passed.

Their breakup could be worse though. According to sources who ran their mouths about the couple, “they still love each other, but their schedules have gotten in the way … They are still in each other’s lives.”

So it sounds like there’s definitely a chance they could get back together in the future …

… But they won’t if Chris Brown has anything to say about it!

If you can believe it, this jackass is reportedly trying to slither in and woo Rihanna while the wooing’s good.

“Chris going after Rihanna again, hard,” a source told HollywoodLife. “He just had his assistant send a ton of stuff to her in Barbados for her and her family.”

“He sent booze, flowers, a bunch of toys for all the kids, he knows the way to her heart is through her family.”

Gross, right? Hold on, it gets worse.

“Plus he did some painting for her, he had it all covered up but it was something he did himself. He’s saying he’s going to get her back, that they belong together and stuff. He definitely sees this breakup from Drake as his opportunity.”

Nauseatingly enough, this fits in with another report we heard about Chris and Rihanna over the weekend.

Rihanna kicked things off with a pointed little Instagram post that read “None of my exs are married or in happy relationships, so it’s safe to say that I wasn’t da problem lol.”

And if we’re to believe the reports that followed, the post really tore Chris up.

Sources close to Chris were so very quick to tell anyone that would listen that Rihanna hasn’t been doing all that well in her relationships either, and that he thought she was throwing shade at him with the post.

And then came this little bit of horror:

“At the end of the day, Chris knows he’s still on Ri’s mind. And he still loves her dearly. Chris doesn’t believe for a second that romance and an intimate relationship with Rihanna is over for good. It’s just a matter of time.”

So is Chris officially making his move now, is that what all this means? He thinks he and Rihanna are meant to be together, and all the gifts he allegedly just sent her is his way of getting his foot back in her door?

What a disgusting, disheartening, disappointing time to be alive.
