Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres" Divorce Bombshell: 220 Million at Stake?!

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi’s marriage could be on the rocks … and the National Enquirer revealed that 220 million dollars could be at stake. 

This is upsetting at best; devastating at worst.


The couple, who recently celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary, have been hit hard by rumors that things are less than the perfection that DeGeneres professes them to be. 

De Rossi and DeGeneres have reportedly butt heads over starting a family. 

Portia wants one, while Ellen – who doesn’t seem to be what she appears – doesn’t want any kids in the house. 

The report continued that if de Rossi were to divorce DeGeneres, 220 million dollars could be flushed down the toilet like a dead Blue Tang. 

Rumor has it that DeGeneres is so opposed to losing money that she’s considering adoption.

Another report continued that an adoption was one of DeGeneres’ last-ditch efforts at reigning in de Rossi’s erratic behavior. 

The source told the publication that Ellen prayed that “bringing a baby into their eight-year union [would] put an end to Portia’s relentless tantrums, jealous rages, and destructive drinking and dieting.”

DeGeneres is said to be “convinced that a child is the only way to keep Portia happy and under control.” 

The rumors have gotten so out of control – and so believable – that Ellen herself has come forward to address them. 

She said, “I’m grateful for everything [in my life].” 

“I’m grateful for my health, and I’m so grateful for the love in my life,” she continued. 

“Because not everybody finds that,” she reasoned. “Not everybody finds that best friend.” 

No, half of us have a hard enough time finding Dory, for crying out loud, so that’s understandable. 

Ellen continued, in what seemed a desperate way, and said, “I can’t imagine not being married.”

“I have my best friend, the person I want to spend time with more than anybody else in the world.”

She maintained the train of thought, and said “Portia and I constantly say to each other, ‘We are so lucky.’ “

“I know that I’m not going anywhere. She’s not going anywhere.”

“I’m not saying the relationship took a while; I’m saying in my life, it took awhile to find this.”  

She even weighed in on the “children” debacle. 

About her relationship – and how kids would fit in – she said, “Our priorities are each other. If we had kids, then I’m sure they would be, but we are. And that’s important.”

Trying to send subliminal messages, there, Ellen? 
