Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Trump: Khloe Kardashian is a Fat Pig!

Donald Trump just gets worse and worse – however, in this case, some might be apt to agree with his dangerous sentiments …

But they have to do with the Kardashians, rather than reputable human beings, so there’s that to consider, additionally. 

Trump reportedly called Khloe Kardashian a “fat piglet.”

Hey, at least it wasn’t a grown-ass pig, but then again, she was only 24 or 25 years old at the time, so maybe the baby pig analogy was correct. 

Sources close to the production of The Apprentice told the Huffington Post that Trump was pissed he couldn’t get “the hot one” on his show – whoever that happened to be; Caitlyn, right? – and that he was disgusted by Khloe’s mere presence. 

“He basically wanted to just get rid of her,” the mole told the Post.

“[Trump] called her a ‘piglet.’ ” 

Trump reportedly asked, “What is this? We can’t even get the hot one?”  

Another source claimed Trump constantly asked, “Why don’t we fire Khloe?” 

“She’s a fat piglet,” he continued. “Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?” 

Further, when she was fired, it was said to be out of pure dislike for Khloe. 

“It was [about] him not liking her,” the source continued.  

Trump was said to repeatedly ask the staff, “What’s the reason we can get her off [the show]?” 

Further proving that he’s got bad sense in all areas of his life, he did refer to Kim Kardashian as “the hot one” … which has us scratching our heads more than anything else. 

As for Kim, though, her charms must have been lost on Trump when she became pregnant with North West. 

In an interview with Showbiz Tonight, Donald mocked Kim for her weight gain during pregnancy. 

“She’s gotten a bit large,” he said about the middle Kardashian daughter.  

“I would say this,” he continued.

“I don’t think you should dress like you weight 120 pounds.”

Later, he clarified his comments, backtracking on everything but the “large” part. 

Trump said, “She’s a nice person.” 

“I’ve known her over the years. She’s a really nice person,” he pressed. 

Nice person notwithstanding, things got a little mixed up when Kim asserted that she’d vote for Trump in the upcoming election. 

In a 2016 interview, Kim claimed that she was “on the fence” about who she would vote for. 

Kim said, “Oh my God, I’m so Hillary Clinton.”

“But I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump,” she continued.

“I’m on the fence.”

Famous last words, Kim.  

Later in the season, however, she hopped off the fence. 

“I stand with Hillary,” Kim wrote on her website. 

“I believe [Clinton] will best represent our country and is the most qualified for the job.”  

Whoever said that Kim Kardashian had no sense

Sorry about the “piglet” comments, Khloe, but at least your a grown-ass pig woman now, and pigs have thicker skin than most any other animal in the barnyard. 
