Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rihanna and Chris Brown: Will They Get Back Together?!

These days, Rihanna is dating Drake, and it seems like her relationship with him is the most serious, most stable relationship she’s ever been in.

It’s definitely a healthier relationship than the one she had with Chris Brown, to say the least.

As we all remember so very, very well, back in February of 2007, Chris was arrested for assaulting Rihanna. He left her alone in his car on the side of the road, and when police found her, she was “beaten really badly and hysterical.”

Then, a few years later, the two became friendly again. They collaborated on a couple of songs, and for a while there, it really seemed like they were a couple again.

Their second go-round fizzled out after a few months, and they’ve since gone their separate ways.

That is, until this weekend, when Rihanna made a pointed little Instagram post.

“None of my exs are married or in happy relationships,” she wrote, “so it’s safe to say that I wasn’t da problem lol.”

And according to a report from HollywoodLife, Chris didn’t appreciate the comment.

“Chris feels shaded by Ri’s IG post and thinks she’s talking directly to him,” a source claims.

“She’s right. He’s not married, not in a happy relationship and Karrueche turned out to be a complete and utter disaster of a relationship.”

(Maybe Chris’ relationship with Karrueche turned out to be a disaster because Chris impregnated another woman while they were together, but sure, we’ll go with it.)

“He doesn’t blame Ri for anything,” the source continues, “and wishes he never gave Karrueche the time of day when he and Ri were on the outs. Obviously Breezy wishes he could do a lot of things differently but the good thing is he’s learned from every past mistake he’s made in his life thus far.”

Yeah, let’s hope he’s learned from his mistake, because goodness knows he’s made his fair share of them.

And while we’re at it, let’s also hope that Chris has been able to calm down about Rihanna’s post. He’s obviously pretty bothered, because another source had a few more things to say about the situation.

“Now Chris could say the same thing about Ri and it be true,” this source says. “She ain’t married and he doesn’t think her relationship with Drake will last. Chris isn’t the reason why Drake, Travis [Scott], Matt [Kemp], Leo [DiCaprio] and the others haven’t worked out.”

And here’s where it starts to get real juicy.

“And at the end of the day, Chris knows he’s still on Ri’s mind. And he still loves her dearly. Chris doesn’t believe for a second that romance and an intimate relationship with Rihanna is over for good. It’s just a matter of time.”

Ugh, really? It’s “just a matter of time”? Are we seriously going to have to experience yet another reunion of Chris Brown and Rihanna?

We’ve done nothing to deserve this.

It’s possible that no one in the history of the universe has every done anything bad enough to deserve a relationship with Chris Brown.
