Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lady Gaga Praises Kanye West, Hits Out at Trolls

Lady Gaga is not about to let trolls trash Kanye West in the wake of him winding up in hospital. 

There are conflicting reports about why Kanye was actually hospitalized, but it seems like it’s either exhaustion, or a mental breakdown. 

Kanye is probably most well known for speaking his mind.

Whether he’s calling Taylor Swift out for being a liar, or trashing Beyonce, he really has no filter. 

However, Lady Gaga was quick to point out to her followers that the rapper should not be mocked during this tough time. 

In a series of tweets, she went to town on the trolls and extended her well wishes to West. 

“It’s not funny to joke about anyone’s possible or not possible mental illness, this is a sensitive time for many,” she wrote.

“Let’s be kind & loving.”

“While I don’t agree with everything he does I hope the public shows compassion and ❤️ for @kanyewest and each other. One love. One Race,” she continued.

While you would be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees with everything Kanye says, Gaga is not letting that come in the way of making sure he is okay.

“@kanyewest i support & love u brother, I see in you bravery & courage to stop this tour & take care of YOU. You are a GREAT artist.”

If you’ve been keeping tabs on what’s been going down, you probably already know that Kanye has been acting erratically for quite some time. 

That allegedly came to a head earlier this week when there were concerns about his welfare in the wake of him canceling the remainder of his Saint Pablo Tour

His wife, Kim Kardashian rushed to be with him shortly after learning what was going on with her husband. 

There’s nothing quite like have your loved ones around you in times of need. 

It’s a horrible situation for anyone to be in, but we’re sure he has the love and support of his loved ones who will be able to help him back to perfect health. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!
