Thursday, November 10, 2016

Aubrey O"Day: Did Donald Trump Sexually Assault Her, Too?!

This is probably the only time in history that we’ll be able to say this, but man, we really feel for Aubrey O’Day.

See, she’s mighty upset about Donald Trump and how he’s going to be our next president … and with good reason.

Well, we all have good reason to be upset about the idea of President Trump. Take, for instance, everything he’s ever said and done.

But it sounds like Aubrey here might have some personal experience that would make it difficult for her to accept Trump as our country’s new leader.

If you’ll remember, Aubrey knew Trump personally: she was on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012.

And during her time with him, he just may have done something inappropriate to her.

If you think that sounds cryptic and creepy, you’re not wrong. Aubrey was very vague with her statement, but we think we got the message.

See, on Election Day, she shared an article about a photo taken at a Trump rally.

The photo featured a whole bunch of white people, mostly, with one of them notably wearing a t-shirt that read “Black Guns Matter.”

A lot of people took Aubrey’s sharing of the article as a slam against Donald, and rightfully so, and one person tried to call her out for it.

“Really?” the person asked. “But you was on trump show!!! Why are you mad that the checks stopped coming!”

And Aubrey’s response?

“No. My story I didn’t tell is worth millions now 😉 …this doesn’t hurt me, it hurts America.”

It’s hard to say what she’s referring to here — it is, after all, a story she didn’t tell — but we have to imagine that the implication here is that Aubrey’s name might be another on the long list of those that Trump sexually assaulted.

She didn’t give any additional details about her story, but when the news broke that Trump had won, she did share her feelings about that.

“I’m heartbroken,” she wrote. “Every beautiful piece of progression that our country could have moved toward is now gone.”

“You can be a lying abusive ignorant piece of trash that is personally and publicly racist, sexist, & homophobic and run our country.”

“I want to say, we all want a voice in this country. Having a voice is important. In order for ur voice to be heard, others have to as well.”

“Unfortunately the voice prominent right now isn’t speaking for progress, but that doesn’t stop your voice from being heard.”

“If u want the majority voice to go away, u would lose yours as well.. then we would be Russia. At least we still have our voices, use them!”

“This was a mistake our country made,” Aubrey wrote, “And those who made it will learn the hard way.”

“To the rest, mistakes & disappointments don’t stop life. Except what u can’t change, as the next 4 yrs we must learn to inspire ourselves!”

Hilariously, she also added “At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods, I would just go.”

Us too, girl. Us too.
