Monday, November 28, 2016

Kim Kardashian Going To Extreme Measures To Save Kanye West

After scarcely hearing anything about Kim Kardashian in the wake of her being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, she’s back in the spotlight in a big way. 

Her husband, Kanye West has been in hospital for almost a week after a string of crazy events.

He is currently still in hospital and if current reports are to be believed, he may not be getting out any time soon. 

Him being put in hospital has kind of lifted the veil on Kim, who has mostly been in hiding ever since her ordeal in Paris.

We knew her return to the spotlight was imminent, but didn’t know it would be under these unfortunate circumstances. 

We’re now hearing that Kim was “an emotional wreck” prior to what went down with Kanye as she struggled to come to terms with what happened in Paris.

Now, she’s put her emotional side on the down low in order to ensure her husband gets better. 

Seriously, all the reports that were swirling saying Kim and Kanye were about to call it quits seem to be pretty silly now.

From what we’re hearing it sounds like they are as solid as ever. 

Kim has allegedly been Kanye’s rock and has been spending every minute in the hospital by his side.

Yes, we get it, that’s what couples are supposed to do. 

There are even some reports that Kim has been feeding him his meals while in the hospital. Say what you want about Kanye, but he has a great wife who is standing by him during this tough time. 

As expected, Kim wants Kanye home with her as soon as possible so that she can nurse him back to good health in the confines of their home. 

“She has been an unbelievably devoted spouse. He’s a lucky man.”

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
