Monday, November 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Third Baby on the Way?!

If you watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians last night you may have picked up on the bombshell dropped in the preview for next week’s episode.

Producers hit viewers with an unexpected gut punch in the form of a 15-second clip that revealed the Kardashian-West family may be expanding.

Based on her family’s reactions, viewers weren’t the only ones who were shocked:

“So I’ve come to the conclusion that I just want to explore surrogacy,” Kim tells the astonished K-clan.

Following an episode that mined Kendall Jenner’s sleep problems for drama, this felt like the show’s way of informing us that next week’s installment won’t be quite as much of a snooze-fest.

The question now is:

Does Kim really plan on enlisting a surrogate to carry her and Kanye West’s third child, or is this a simple ratings ploy?

It may seem incredibly cynical to suggest the possibility of having another child just to drum up a storyline, but this is Kim Kardashian we’re talking about.

The woman filmed herself having sex with Ray J just to steal the spotlight from Paris Hilton.

She would push Kris Jenner down a flight of stairs on live TV if she thought it might give her a boost in the 18-34-year-old demographic.

That said, it’s completely possible that she’s legitimately looking into surrogacy options.

Kim previously indicated that she believes two is enough when it comes to kids, but she and ‘Ye may have had a change of heart.

In fact, they probably have multiple changes of heart on the matter every single day.

Kim gets bored easily, and Kanye is basically a toddler in leather sweatpants.

There’s no way these two have ever made a firm decision and stuck to it.

They’ve probably been secretly divorced 47 times, but no one ever found about because they were re-married within an hour.

It’s anyone’s guess as to what’s really going on in Kim’s brain these days, but our guess is that she’s done raising children.

Or paying people to raise her children for her, if you want to get technical.
