Friday, January 6, 2017

Charles Manson on Deathbed, Deemed Too Weak For Surgery: Report

Charles Manson may be the most notorious criminal in modern American history.

And now, it seems the cult leader and mass murderer is in his final days, as sources indicate that the 82-year-old inmate remains hospitalized for intestinal bleeding, and has been deemed too weak for life-saving surgery.

Manson was removed from California’s Corcoran State Prison earlier this week in order to receive treatment at an emergency room in nearby Bakersfield.

He was expected to return to the hospital within 48 hours, but doctors quickly determined that his condition was worse than previously expected.

According to TMZ, medical staff wanted to perform surgery shortly after Manson arrived at the hospital, but he refused to give his consent.

On Thursday, Manson reportedly had a change of heart and agreed to undergo the procedure, but a pre-surgical examination revealed that he was too ill to operate, and attempt to do so would be life-threatening.

At this time, doctors are said to be uncertain of their next move, and those most familiar with the situation say that it’s unlikely Manson will ever return to his cell.

Manson is currently serving nine life sentences for his role in the two-day killing spree that claimed the lives of actress Sharon Tate and six other individuals.

Though he never picked up a weapon himself, the murderers were acting on commands from Manson, and are believed to have been psychologically manipulated by the charismatic lifelong criminal.

Astonishingly, Manson has managed to make headlines several times in the decades since the Tate and LaBianca family murders, despite having been incarcerated in various maximum security facilities nearly 50 years.

In 2015, the media took an interest in Manson’s engagement to Afton Elaine Burton, a young admirer who claimed to be in love with the infamous murderer.

Manson called off the wedding just days before it was scheduled to take place, reportedly because he believed Burton planned to profit from displaying his corpse.

In the days since his hospitalization, reports from current and former prison officials have emerged, depicting Manson as a violent and troublesome inmate.

“He has had over 100 violations since he was incarcerated, which has been a very long time,” says a spokesperson for the California penal system.

Several members of Tate and LaBianca families have spoken out in their belief that Manson and his cohorts should have been put to death for their crimes.

It looks like the first major celebrity passing of 2017 could be one that many would welcome.
