Monday, January 23, 2017

Stacey Dash Gets Fired from Fox News, Twitter Celebrates

Megyn Kelly isn’t the only big name to be leaving Fox News.

Stacey Dash is on her way out, as well.

The network has confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that it has chosen not to renew Dash’s contract, a decision that was actually made last fall but which has only gone public today.

Dash has not appeared on the channel since September.

The former actress and occasional author has made all sorts of headlines ever since debuting on Fox News in 2014.

In July of that year, for example, she suggested that Kanye West should go get locked up in Riker’s Island so that he can “know what rape is.”

A few weeks later, sticking with the theme of sexual assault, Dash implied that only “bad or naughty girls” become rape victims.

In 2015, Dash was suspended briefly from the network for swearing on-air in a rant about President Barack Obama in which she said he “didn’t give a sh-t about terrorism.”

Then there was the time Dash pushed to end both the existence of BET and Black History Month, arguing in January of 2016:

“We can either have integration or segregation. If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET… If it were the other way around we would be up in arms.”

The 5-year old Clueless star then inspired backlash again in June 2016 when she made transphobic comments while discussing Caitlyn Jenner during an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

“Go [to the bathroom] in the bushes. … I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law,” she said of transgender individuals wanting to use different bathrooms.

In response to the news that Dash is no longer welcome at Fox News, Twitter basically held a #StaceyDashSucks party.

“Stacey dash lost her fox contract, and suddenly that ‘career’ of being the black who hates black isn’t gonna pay so well anymore,” one user wrote.

Another chimed in with the following:

“Before you laugh at Stacey Dash for losing her gig at Fox News, just remember this means she’s now available for a cabinet appointment.”

That’s pretty good, actually.

Here’s a look at what some other Internet users are saying about Dash:

dash tweets

Will you miss Stacey Dash on Fox News?

Were you even aware that Stacey Dash had not been on Fox News in months?

And are you wondering whether other Clueless cast members are these days?

Well… wonder no longer!
