Thursday, January 26, 2017

Cyndi Lauper to Madonna: Calm the Eff Down!

Cyndi Lauper offered some pointed words for Madonna on Watch What Happens last night.

Appearing opposite Andy Cohen, the former pop star was asked about the Women"s March in Washington last Saturday, specifically how Madonna told a throng of protestors that she had thought about blowing up the White House.

The legendary artist later tried to clarify this remark, but it"s not exactly the kind of thing one can walk back easily.

And it"s not the sort of thing Lauper liked to hear from her fellow singer.

“I don’t think that it served our purpose,” Lauper told Cohen on the latter"s Bravo talk show. “Anger is not better than clarity and humanity. That is what opens people’s minds.”

Lauper, of course, wasn"t against the Women"s March overall. Far from it.

She just preferred the way some other celebrities went about passing along their message of hope and inspiration.

Like Scarlett Johansson, who spoke about her experience with Planned Parenthood.

“It was clear, it was eloquent,” Lauper said. “Yelling just jacks people up. It doesn’t communicate any kind of humanity or story that would open another person’s mind.”

Watch Lauper"s full critique of Madonna below:

Cyndi lauper to madonna calm the eff down