Thursday, January 19, 2017

Abigail Breslin Attacked for Friendship with Tiffany Trump!

Abigail Breslin has been famous for a very, very long time.

She’s 20 right now, and she starred in her movie, Signs, when she was just five years old — she’s been around for a good long while.

And so it just makes sense that in all those fifteen years of fame, she’d pick up one or two famous friends along the way.

It’s just that one of those friends is pretty controversial right now, due to the fact that her father is the most hated/ignorantly adored man in America.

It’s Tiffany Trump, y’all!

Abigail shared this photo yesterday, which was apparently taken at a friend’s birthday party.

You can see Abigail sitting there with her adorable hair, looking so great, and a couple of other people.

But right in the middle there is Tiffany, Donald Trump’s fourth child, a painful reminder that the entire country is about to be hurled into an ugly apocalyptic nightmare.

And people were very upset at Abigail for this.

“Ew Tiffany Trump seriously wtf” wrote one outraged Instagram user.

Another asked “Whyyy feature the spawn of Satan in your photos!?”

One person suggested that “She probably pretends to support Hillary, she’s really a Trump supporter.

“Ok I’m not usually one to say anything but why is that scum rat in your life?” someone pondered.

Yet another outraged soul wrote “Tiffany f-cking Trump really? Unfollowed yikes!”

It was a pretty big reaction for a pretty harmless photo — after all, Tiffany is Donald’s least favorite child.

There’s a lot of speculation that Tiffany doesn’t support her father’s insane views, and that’s why she was mostly quiet during his election — unlike his other adult children.

There are many reasons why one should find some chill over this situation, but don’t worry. Abigail’s got the haters covered.

She shared this message shortly after the Tiffany hate started rolling in:

“To everyone who’s being horrible and disgusting rn,” she began, “I didn’t vote for Trump. It’s none of anyone’s business, but I didn’t.”

“However, it is honestly disgusting of people to be so cruel about tiff who is a wonderful and kind person,” she continued.

“If you’re judging me for hanging out with someone I’ve known for years at our friends bday party, you need to reevaluate your life.”

And she’s right, she shouldn’t be judged for having an old friend with an awful parent.

But we’re living in a time in which our new president has terrifying ties to Russia and also officially stated that he could never be a participant in a golden shower because he’s a germaphobe.

The world is operating under different rules right now. It’s going to take a bit of time to learn them.

So outraged Instagram users, calm your troubled hearts, Abigail, try to be understanding.

Everyone else, take cover. The apocalypse starts tomorrow.
