Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tommy Mottola: Mariah Carey"s Management Is Trash!

The whole world has probably heard by now about Mariah Carey’s botched New Year’s Eve performance. It was broadcast live on TV, so there’s really no excuse not to know about it. 

Basically, Mariah could not complete the performance because the backing track flaked out and her earpiece was not working, so she could not hear what was going into the microphone. 

Ever since, there has been a war of words between Mariah’s people and the people from the show’s camp. Mariah’s people even went as far as saying her performance was sabotaged for ratings. 

The latest person to chime in with their thoughts on the matter was Mariah’s ex-husband, Tommy Mottola and he was less than favorable about the way the singing sensation is being managed

He was quick to point out there should have been a contingency plan in place in the event that the performance went south. 

Mottola thinks that his ex-wife should hire “more seasoned and respected professionals” to prevent anything like that happening ever again. 

If you recall, Mottola was also Mariah’s former manager back in the glory days of her career, so maybe he’s trying to make a case for him to manage her career again, or something. 

He did nothing but compliment Carey, so there’s that. 

He said that she’s “arguably the greatest pop voice to come along in the last three decades.”

Mottola admitted that “what happened on NYE could’ve happened to anyone” but said that “her technical people should’ve helped pay more attention to all of it so that there was no chance of that happening.”

He also took issue with the fact that Mariah was participating in Mariah’s world. 

“She should hire more seasoned and respected professionals to surround her and help her with her career! I would never have encouraged her or guided her to do something like a reality television show!!!!! I don’t get it!!” he wrote, saying the show “does absolutely nothing for her integrity, her credibility, or her massive talent!!”

If you watch Mariah’s World online, you probably know the show has been a hoot. If you want to watch Mariah saying it like it is and making diva demands, it’s the perfect show for you. 

However, it has also shown a softer side to the singer and it was needed. She’s come across as a diva for far too long now that it’s time her fans got to see more layers to her. 

Mottola wanted everyone to get off her back because the same thing could happen to any star. 

“It could have happened to anyone and it has, so everyone should just get off her back and leave her the hell alone and hopefully she will find her way to the right professionals for guidance,” he shared. “It’s never about the fall, it’s all about the recovery.”

Mariah’s current manager, Stella Bulochinikov’s alleged response to the comments was to dig Mottola’s age. 

“Really? Tommy is a relic. Did he give you that statement from a rotary phone?”

Stay classy, Stella. 
