Tuesday, January 10, 2017

14 Stars Donald Trump Thinks Are YUUGELY Overrated

Meryl Streep joined some elite company after her 2017 Golden Globes speech.

Following her shaming of Donald Trump, the President-Elect took to Twitter and fired back that the multiple-time Oscar winner is overrated.

Whether or not this is true remains up for debate.

But whether or not Trump has used this insult before does not.

He has. Many times. Many, many, many times.

Scroll down for a look at all the stars who Donald Trump believes to be overrated, in bigly fashion…

1. George Will

George will

Where there’s a Will, there’s some very off-based rating going on, according to Trump.

2. Barack Obama

Barack obama

Trump has since gushed over the President, ever since meeting him in the Oval Office.

3. Karl Rove

Karl rove

Wait. Doesn’t this imply that there are people out there who rate Rove highly?!?

4. Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry seinfeld

Oh. Well. That explains it.

5. Jon Stewart

Jon stewart

Just to make his point clear, Trump referred to Stewart as “overrated” three more times over the course of several days following this Tweet.

6. Richard Meier

Richard meier

Seriously, he even went after Richard Meier!

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