Thursday, January 19, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Pregnant with Tristan Thompson"s Baby?!

Great news for Khloe Kardashian, Tristan Thompson, and ludicrously expensive baby boutiques in all major cities.

Khloe Kardashian is PREGNANT!!!

You know, maybe. Allegedly. That sort of thing.

The thing is, we as a people are just about to head into some very dark times. The world is going to be scary and obnoxious for the next little bit.

It’s a lot to handle, and many people aren’t handling it too well. And that’s OK.

If Kardashian rumors help some people, even just one person, heal, then they’re worth it.

So let’s get into this, and let your mind, body and soul be filled with joy and distraction. Let your gossip-loving heart be light.

OK, so this whole “Khloe Kardashian is reportedly pregnant” thing.

It’s great news because, as everyone knows so well, Khloe’s wanted to be a mother for a very long time now.

She and Lamar Odom tried and tried to have children, and Khloe even visited fertility specialists on their reality show, but it obviously never happened for them.

But even now, Khloe is desperate to have a baby, steady long-term relationship be damned.

Just earlier this month, we heard that Khloe’s been going “baby crazy,” thanks to her siblings and their near-constant procreating.

Khloe was said to be ready to have herself a baby this year, “with or without a man!”

It’s looking like she chose that first option, because according to a new report from Hollywood Life, Khloe is expecting a little bundle of joy with boyfriend of four months, Tristan Thompson!

“Khloe is thrilled,” a source revealed — obviously, right?

The source continues with “She’s only told family so far because it’s in the early stages and she wants to wait until she’s past the first trimester to go public.”

But still, “She can’t believe she’s finally having a baby!”

Khloe has “dreamed of being a mother for so long, and she’s so in love” with Tristan.

“She just can’t wait until the baby is born.”

Khloe is already getting excited about dressing up the little baby in “adorable outfits,” and she’s planning on being a “hands-on” mother.

She doesn’t even want to bring a nanny into the situation, that’s how serious this baby hype is.

If the baby is a boy, she’s apparently considering the name Bentley, but if she has a girl, she likes the names Ruby and Chanel.

Because why even have a baby if you can’t name it after something expensive?!

“This is a dream come true for her,” the source says. “She will be an amazing mom.”

But what about Tristan, who just welcomed a baby with ex-girlfriend Jordy Craig last month?

Well, Tristan is “obsessed with Khloe,” so “if a baby makes her happy, then it makes him happy too.”

Wow, what a totally healthy and not at all concerning outlook on his future child!

Best of wishes to these two, and to that alleged fetus!
