Thursday, January 19, 2017

Ellen DeGeneres to Barack Obama: You Changed My Life!

On Wednesday night, Ellen DeGeneres was honored at the 2017 People"s Choice Awards with her record 20th trophy at the event.

Fast forward to the following morning, however, and Ellen was on the set of her talk show, sitting in her regular chair, acting as the one doing the honoring.

And, in the following clip from Ellen, the subject of this honoring was President Barack Obama.

"This is the last day that Barack Obama will be our president," the comedian told her audience.

She then continued, explaining in detail the kind of impact Obama and his wife have had on her journey over the past eight years.

"I want to thank him for changing my life,"the 58-year old said.

"I am a legally married woman because of him and so is my wife. His courage and compassion created equality for everyone. He moved us forward and made more happen in the past eight years than I ever dreamed possible. I love him, I love Michelle."

Back in 2010, DeGeneres said that she she and De Rossi would exchange vows after the ban on same-sex marriage in California was lifted.

In June 2015, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage for couples across all 50 states.

Over their years in office, both Obamas made multiple appearances on Ellen, with DeGeneres sharing some of her favorite clips of the couple with her viewers.

Check out the tribute below:

Ellen degeneres to barack obama you changed my life