Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Ben Seewald FINALLY Gets a Job ... Kind Of

At this point in their “careers” as reality stars, the Duggars really don’t have to work for money.

Of course, there are still many reasons why it’s in their best interest to remain employed.

For one thing, the Duggars have already had one show canned by TLC, and their spinoff, Counting On, is always on the brink of cancelation.

They’ve made some serious bank from their two series, but it’s not “never work again” money, particularly with the way this family likes to procreate.

On top of that, the Duggars don’t exactly have the same audience as the Kardashians.

Their viewers don’t tune in for lifestyle porn featuring wealthy reality stars.

They crave the illusion that the Duggars are salt of the earth, hard-working folks – which is why so many fans have taken issue with the fact that Ben Seewald doesn’t work.

Sure, Ben picks up odd jobs for his father-in-law now and then, but it’s not hard to see why so many believe an able-bodied young man with a wealth of connections who’s soon to be a father of two should be able to secure more substantial employment.

Now it seems that Ben, or whoever is in charge of the family’s PR these days, has heard the concerns and wants to assure viewers that Ben isn’t some Rob Kardashian-esque layabout.

According to the Facebook page for Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Arkansas, Ben has landed a job as a preacer!

There’s no better way to placate the Duggar faithful than that!

Unfortunately, even the most cursory investigation into his new gig reveals that Mr. Seewald has a total of two hours of actual work lined up for 2017.

It seems Ben will only be preaching on June 16 and 17 at the Evangelism Reformation Conference in Hurst, Texas.

No word on whether or not it’s a paying gig.

Hopefully, Jessa’s husband won’t be engaging any snake-handling or other dangerous activities.

We’re guessing a job preaching at a weekend Evangelical conference in rural Texas doesn’t come with healthcare.

No word on how Jim Bob feels about his son-in-law’s work allergy.

But given his oft-reiterated belief that idle hands are the devil’s playthings, we’re guessing he’s less than thrilled.
