Thursday, February 23, 2017

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Feuding Over Pippa"s Wedding?!

It seems the more we learn about Meghan Markle, the more the public adores her.

In fact, there have been reports that these days Meghan seems to be more popular than Kate Middleton in the UK.

For years, Kate has inspired a level of obsession in her fan base that’s been unmatched by non-Beyonce’s and we’re sure she’s happy to share the spotlight.

But the same might not be true of her chronically overshadowed younger sister, Pippa Middleton.

There was a time when the world was bizarrely fixated on Pippa’s butt, but those days are long gone, and the 33-year-old’s efforts to build a career for herself as a public figure have faltered.

Pippa is engaged to James Matthews, and she’ll no doubt briefly become a tabloid fixture once again, when she and Matthews get married in May.

Given Pippa’s obvious thirst for fame and the fact that this may be her last chance to grab the public’s attention in a significant way, it’s understandable that she wants to remain the focus of her own big day.

Unfortunately for the Pipster, Meghan and Prince Harry may have a different plan in mind.

It’s hard to believe, considering we’ve known about their romance for several months now, but Harry and Meghan have yet to confirm that they’re dating.

Insiders say they’re planning to debut as a couple at Pippa’s wedding – but the Middletons have made it perfectly clear they ain’t havin’ that sh-t.

(Although we’re guessing it was phrased in a much more posh, sophisticated way.)

“They’re locked in a huge fight. Harry and Meghan want to use the wedding to make a really public declaration of their love, but Kate doesn’t want Meghan overshadowing her sister at her own wedding,” a source tells Life & Style. 

Pippa and company are also concerned that Harry might propose to Meghan before the wedding, which would make Pippa saying “I do” back page news compared to the spectacle of Harry and Meghan’s first official public appearance.

“Harry may even announce an engagement to Meghan before the wedding,” says the insider. 

“Then, when he brings her, there will be even more attention on [Markle]. Kate is furious!”

It’s an awkward situation, made even more awkward by the fact that that Pippa probably had a thing for Harry at one point.

We have absolutely no evidence of that, but come on…

If your sister’s brother-in-law is Prince Harry, the thought of his royal scepter has to enter your mind at least once.
