Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Brad Pitt: Checked Into Rehab For Addiction Issues?

In the weeks after the world learned that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from Brad Pitt a number of possible explanations for the surprise split circulated on social media.

With the benefit of hindsight, it’s clear that the split was only the 4,569,098,254th most shocking thing that happened in 2016, but at the time, fans were stunned, and many were sent scrambling for answers.

We now know that Angelina moved out and took the took the kids following an altercation between Brad and eldest son Maddox aboard a private jet.

Prior to that, however, there were a number of rumors about Brad’s misbehavior, including one that claimed Pitt was hooked on drugs and booze.

The situation doesn’t appear to be as severe as many initially thought, but it’s beginning to look like the accusations weren’t completely baseless either.

Anyone who’s ever been through a breakup knows that there’s usually more than one motivating factor behind the decision to split.

So while the confrontation between Brad and Maddox may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, their might be something to those reports that Angie was getting fed up with Brad’s substance abuse, as well.

According to The Enquirer (we know, we know), Brad has been taking steps to get sober in recent weeks, even going so far as to check himself into a short-term (and extremely pricey) treatment facility.

The tabloid claims that Pitt recently checked dropped $ 15,000 on a five-night sober retreat in a private suite inside Casa Del Mar, a  five-star resort in Santa Monica, Calif.

Reportedly unable to commit to more long-term treatment due to work and family obligations, Pitt has apparently committed hismelf to a healthier lifestyle following his crash-course in sobriety.

“Brad’s benefited from the principles and rules that come with dedicated sobriety, and he’s found a way to celebrate it, too,” a source told The Enquirer.

Witnesses say brad was recently spotted slipping out the backdoor of the resort carrying a bouquet of balloons emblazoned with the words “Sexy Sober Sunday.”

“His friends have been key in helping him see the positives from clean living, which is why they arranged this sober divorce party,” says one insider.

Not surprisingly, those closest to the actor say it was his ongoing custody battle with Jolie that finally moved him to sober up.

“[He] doesn’t want any part of drugs or booze right now; he’s dedicated to his children,” says one source.

“It’s what’s best for himself and his family in the long-term and that’s a bigger buzz than any cocktail or marijuana joint could provide.”

Well, Brad may have to put up with a lifetime of cheeseball slogans, but at least he can look forward to being a bigger part of his kids’ lives.

We suppose he got the better end of that deal.
