Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Leah Messer Weight Loss Photos Shock Fans

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that single mother of three Leah Messer is a frequent subject of criticism.

Usually, it’s Leah’s parenting that attracts negative attention from fans, but occasionally, they find other justifications for their concern-trolling.

These days, Leah’s weight is a common gossip-starter.

Rumors that Messer is struggling with an eating disorder surface about once a month, and they don’t seem to be based on much aside from the fact that she’s a fairly thin woman.

Photos of Leah in a bikini sparked controversy over the summer, and now, new photos of the 24-year-old have fans expressing their concern on social media.

Leah posted the above side-by-side pics, asking fans for feedback on what dress she should wear while she’s out in LA to host the Teen Mom 2 live after-show.

Despite the fact that fans seemed to prefer the black dress, Leah went with the pink.

But it wasn’t her style selection that fans took issue with.

“Not trying to bring judgmental, but you look very ill. [I don’t know] if you’re struggling with an eating disorder, but please get healthy for yourself and your family. I wish you the best,” 

Another fan was even more dramatic in her commentary, writing:

“You seem to have lost so much weight and look so stressed. And you act so much different too. You were my favorite for a long time.”

She added: 

“I’m so sad that your life has fallen apart. We all go [through] tough times sometimes. Please take care of yourself! Get yourself healthy mentally and physically please.

“I can’t wait for the day you feel and look like your old self again.”

Wow. Needless to say, the comments section on Leah’s latest pic isn’t wanting for drama.

Fortunately, it seems that Leah has learned to tune out the negativity.

In the past, she’s crumbled under the pressure of living her life so publicly, but these days she doesn’t even respond to such critiques.

We understand that the above comments are pretty tame as far as online trash-talk goes, but remarking that a person you don’t know seems unwell based on a photo is still incredibly rude.

Here’s a good rule of thumb:

If you’re tempted to publicly comment on another person’s physique … don’t.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Leah’s ongoing struggle.
