Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Man Busts Cheating Girlfriend Due to Awkward Sext Mistake

Note to all women who want to send a sexy text message to their boyfriends or husbands:

Be aware of your surroundings.

As you"re about to find out in the following story, not doing so can result in the anger-filled end to your long-term relationship…



The following text messages contain some explicit content. Proceed at your own risk.

2. I’m Here!

Im here

The exchange betwee this unnamed woman and man started out promising enough. What guy would not want to receive this message?!?

3. Oh Yeah?!?

Oh yeah

As you can see, things got hotter from here. But they were about to get A LOT colder.

4. The Denial

The denial

This is likely not the conversation she planned on having after sending a photo of herself topless.

5. THIS? Again?!?

This again

But there’s clearly a history of distrust here.

6. … And There It Is

And there it is

Give the boyfriend props for being astute enough to notice a suitcase, even while his girlfriend has her shirt off. Consider this a lesson for all future cheaters when they send photos to their significant others.

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