Monday, February 6, 2017

Beyonce & Jay Z: Hoping Twins Will Help Save Troubled Marriage?

If you were anywhere near an Internet-capable device last week, then you almost certainly heard the news:

Beyonce is pregnant with twins!

And, of course, she made the announcement in the most Beyonce-esque fashion possible with about a dozen artsy Instagram pics.

Obviously, it’s joyous news for the Carter clan, but in the months leading up to the announcement, things weren’t so sunny for the first couple of hip hop.

Rumors of Jay Z cheating on Beyonce circulated throughout 2016, helped along in part by Bey’s Lemonade album, which seemed to be her way of publicly confronting her husband about his infidelity.

Naturally, news of the couple’s forthcoming bundles of joy has sparked an increase in the public’s interest in the state of their marriage.

Usually when a publicly troubled couple decides to have more kids, there’s talk of “Band-Aid babies” or unexpected “surprises,” but when it comes to Jay and Bey, sources say they’re doing well, and they’ve been planning to expand their family for quite some time.

“[Beyonce and Jay] have been trying for some time,” an insider tells E! News.

“And it has not been very easy conceiving this time around, so when they did it was a miracle. They always wanted more kids, and they are doing really well as a couple so the timing is on point.”

The insider is probably someone in the Carters’ camp, so they probably wouldn’t tell the world if Jay and Bey were just staying together for the kids.

Still, the fact that they’re talking to the press about it at all seems to be a way of acknowledging that they went through a rough patch and sending the message that they’ve put that behind them.

As for how Bey is handling her second pregnancy physically, the source says doing as well as can be expected:

“Beyonce is feeling OK,” the source reveals.

“She had some morning sickness early on and her energy level is slower than usual, [but she] is taking good care of her body and has good doctors that are making sure she is on track.”

No rumors about Beyonce faking her pregnancy yet, but we’re sure they’re coming.

After all, if she and Jay really aren’t breaking up, the peasants will need something else to gossip about.
