Thursday, February 16, 2017

Abby Lee Miller Leaving Country Before Sentencing: Find Out Why!

Abby Lee Miller has been given the green light to travel internationally days before her sentencing. 

The Dance Moms star could spend as much as 30 months in the slammer after pleading guilty to hiding a lofty sum of money following a 2010 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing. 

In addition to that, she admitted to not reporting $ 120,000 in Australian currency she brought into the country. 

The latest trips for Abby will be to the United Kingdom, where she has appearances scheduled in London and Newcastle. 

In her defense, Abby has been traveling pretty much all the time since she was hauled in for questioning in October 2010. 

The court documents People obtained confirmed there is no risk of Abby not returning for her sentencing. 

“Ms. Miller has appeared before the Court when required. Ms. Miller is not a flight risk,” reads the filing.

“There is no risk of Ms. Miller intentionally not returning for the second portion of hearing on February 24, 2017.”

She’s clearly trying to keep the Dance Moms brand flourishing until she inevitably goes to prison. 

If you watch Dance Moms online, you will know Abby has broken down several times about her legal troubles. 

Some of the mothers on the show have even poked fun at them because of the way Abby treats the girls. 

It was recently revealed that Abby’s legal woes begun long before the Lifetime reality series premiered. 

“Before the show, we’d be [at the studio] on a Saturday afternoon and sheriffs would come and post notices saying they were going to shut the studio down for unpaid taxes,” a source revealed to People. 

Apparently, the community even rallied around her to help her out of her monetary issues. 

However, it was also revealed by the same source that Abby would favor the people who gave her money and lavish gifts. 

That’s not the best way to run a business. Right?!

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below.
