Monday, March 27, 2017

Josh Duggar Net Worth: Did Sex Scandals Leave Him Broke?

It’s been nearly two years since the world learned the shocking news that reality star Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

In the months that followed, fans of Josh’s family would bear witness to a number of appalling revelations, including the fact that Josh’s parents helped cover up his crimes.

Amazingly (and disconcertingly), Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have recovered from the scandal and have even been granted a second chance at TV stardom with TLC’s Counting On.

Obviously, Josh hasn’t been shown the same forgiveness.

Of course, the fact that he was caught up in a second sex scandal later that same year certainly didn’t help his cause.

Just three months after the world learned that Josh had molested his sisters, it was revealed that the 28-year-old father of four had cheated on his wife, Anna Duggar, using paid accounts on Ashley Madison, a website designed to facilitate affairs between married men and women.

In all likelihood, audiences never would’ve forgiven Josh’s first round of indiscretions, but the second revelation put the nail in his reputation’s coffin.

The cheating allegations confirmed that he’s a man with some very severe issues and that the his family made the right choice by excluding him from their their second-chance reality series.

But while Josh will likely never return to television, he’s still doing quite well for himself these days.

Josh’s sexual misconduct derailed his career as a D.C. lobbyist, but he’s landed on his feet back home in Arkansas.

Josh has taken over the family business of repairing and re-selling used cars.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the side-business has been tremendously lucrative for several members of the Duggar clan.

On Saturday, the Duggar Family News Facebook page confirmed that Josh has expanded his mini-empire with a second location.

“Josh’s new car lot is up and running,” the source wrote.

The proprietor the page reveled in Josh’s downfall (as we all should), writing:

“Josh is back to his used car selling roots after a quick flirtation with politics and sex workers in DC.

“I wonder how he is settling down to living a boring life in Arkansas after all the excitement he came to know in DC.”

The writer adds:

“I recall his Instagram photo taken from the balcony of John Boehner’s office overlooking the National Mall and think all he’s taking photos of now are 20 year old cars with high mileage.”

Yes, it’s certainly been a precipitous fall from grace for Josh, but the sad fact is, he’s still doing much better than just about anyone in his hometown who doesn’t share his last name.

Several sources close to the family have estimated Josh’s net worth at roughly $ 200,000.

Now, that’s certainly a far cry from Jim Bob Duggar’s net worth, but Josh certainly isn’t struggling.

Josh is facing a number of lawsuits, but in all likelihood, he’ll emerge from them unscathed.

Consider this your daily reminder that the world is a deeply unfair place.
