Thursday, March 9, 2017

Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez: How Serious Is Their Relationship?

J-Lo and A-Rod.

It’s almost hard to believe these two New York based pioneers of first-initial nomenclature haven’t hooked up before.

It’s fate, it’s kismet, and it’s sure to create some serious fights over the bathroom mirror every morning.

Yes, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are dating, and it’s hard to imagine a more perfect celebrity couple.

Unfortunately, sources say J-Lo is taking things J-slow:

“This is very, very new,” a source tells E! News.

“It’s not serious at all. J-Lo is just dating.”

“Jennifer and Alex are both not looking for a relationship, just a good light-hearted time,” our insider added. “They are on the exact same page.”

The insider adds:

That page, of course, being page one of the Beginner’s Guide to Pound Town by Derek Jeter.

Every Yankee is given a copy on his first day with the team. True story.

Prior to this relationship, Lopez was rumored to be dating Drake.

Fans have dismissed that as a promotional stunt, but considering we have yet to see the former couple collaborate on anything, we’re gonna go ahead and keep calling them a former couple.

For his part, Rodriguez has been actively defending his title as king of the “Wait … really?” relationships.

Prior to hooking up with J-Lo, the contentious MLB legend dated Anne Wojcicki, co-founder of 23 and Me and ex-wife of Google CEO Sergey Brin.

Before that relationship, A-Rod dated Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, and even (allegedly) Bethenny Frankel.

The guy’s been a fixture on the NYC social scene for so long that he was feuding with Donald Trump years before the rest of the world realized he’s more supervillain than punch line.

So hopefully Jen and Alex will advance beyond the “friends with benefits” stage sometime in the very near future.

We’re guessing neither of them is planning on having more kids, but we’re still holding out for a miracle.

We haven’t been this excited about a co-mingling of genes since Brad and Angie first started dating.

The fact that their constant presence in the New York City tabloids (or as Donnie calls them, “the REAL news”) would royally piss off the president is just a bonus.

A sweet, sweet bonus …
