Tuesday, March 14, 2017

29 Breakup Texts That Almost Made Getting Dumped Worth It

Oooh, OUCH! And also: HA!

These breakup text messages may have been terrible to receive for the person on the business end, but they are amazing to read.

Some of them had to have a feeling this was coming, and others just plain asked for it. Others still had to be blindsided. All are amazing.

Check out these classics …

1. That’s the Point

Thats the point

File this under comebacks that missed the mark.

2. #TransformationTuesday Breakup

Number transformationtuesday breakup

Ouch. This is not the way you want #TransformationTuesday to go. Not at all.

3. Take the Hint!

Take the hint

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try to break that heart again.

4. Well, That Was Blunt

Well that was blunt

No beating around the bush here.

5. Ex Games

Ex games

We really hope this guy got back together with this girl after this exchange.

6. At Least It Was Mutual

At least it was mutual

See, it really is possible to have a mutual breakup.

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