Friday, March 24, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Blaming Kim For Slumping TV Ratings?

If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online, you know that the show’s thirteenth season certainly hasn’t been lacking in drama.

Last week’s episode dealt with the October incident in which Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and future installments promise to address the trauma that followed and the resulting stress on Kim’s marriage.

But despite the high stakes and high tension, the show’s ratings are lower than they’ve ever been.

The first two episodes have pulled in just over 1 million viewers and scored a paltry .70 in the crucial 18-49 demographic.

Rumors about Keeping Up With the Kardashians being canceled have been circulating since the time of the show’s debut, but now the numbers back those claims up.

As much as E! values its relationship with the first family of reality television, it’s hard to imagine them renewing a series with such a rapidly shrinking audience.

Naturally, there’s some serious finger-pointing going on within the Kard clan, with Kris Jenner (who’s reportedly desperate to save the show) blaming her daughters for not dedicating themselves to the show’s survival.

But at least one member of the family believes Kris is casting too wide a net, and maintains that there’s really only one sister who’s not pulling her weight.

Insiders say Kourtney Kardashian is “livid with Kim because the whole family is relying on her to keep them on the air.”

“They have always relied on Kim and now Kim seems to be completely just over it because she seems to think that she will continue being super famous whether or not KUWTK is on the air,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

The thing is, this isn’t just too-big-for-her-britches diva behavior.

In all likelihood, Kim will continue to be famous after KUWTK comes to a close.

But while her sisters also have plenty of other revenue streams and massive social media followings, they might find that their relevance diminishes rapidly once their no longer the stars of one of TV’s most iconic reality shows.

As the sole sister without a spinoff, modeling career, or famous boyfriend, Kourtney might have the most to lose.

“Kourtney really has nothing else going on, so she is the most upset about the possibility of being cancelled,” says the insider.

Sure, fans are interested in Kourtney’s alleged affair with Justin Bieber, but we doubt the Biebs would agree to canoodle with Kourt on camera.

Sounds like Kim better bring the drama in the weeks to come.

Her sister’s career may depend on it.
