Thursday, March 9, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7: Premiere Date Announced!

Summer is coming.

Doesn’t exactly have the same ring to it, does it?

But it remains true, and with summer will come the return of the most popular show on television.

Via a Facebook Live “event” that was really just a block of ice slowly melting away to reveal a date, HBO announced today that Game of Thrones Season 7 will premiere on July 16, 2017.

Mark your calendars. Set your DVR. And plan all vacations accordingly.

The network has also unveiled the first official poster for this beloved series, which will debut in July for the first time in show history.

The teaser image – first seen this week at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas – evokes a pair of the the iconic fantasy series’ favorite themes:

  1. Fire (typically represented by Daenerys and her “children,” of course).

  2. Ice (most commonly associated with northern son Jon Snow).

What might this mean? You’re guess is as good as ours.

But it’s safe to assume that Dany and Jon will finally meet this season.

What else do we know at this time about Game of Thrones Season 7?

According to a script that allegedly leaked, fans can look forward to the following storylines. (Consider yourselves SPOILER WARNED.)

Jon Snow and Daenerys spend a great deal of the season together at Dragonstone.

Arya and Sansa will be reunited, with the former essentially acting as a killing machine at this point.

Under orders from Sana, Arya will kill Littlefinger.

Cersei will be pregnant (no word yet on the identity of the father) and will form an alliance with Euron Greyjoy to do battle against Jon and Dany.

Sam, Gilly and Bran will piece together that Jon Snow the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Jon will head north of the Wall to capture a wight and bring it back as evidence of the very dangerous threat that exists there.

Oh, and The Night’s King will actually possesses Dany’s dragon Viserion and turn him into an ice dragon that destroys the fall. WHOA!

This all should be taken with a grain of salt the size of Tyrion’s ego, of course.

But it all sounds rather epic.

No official announcement has been made, meanwhile, but Game of Thrones is expected to come to an end after Season 8.

We have no idea what we’ll do on Sunday nights after that. We really don’t want to think about it.
