Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Is Joseph Duggar"s Girlfriend a Homophobe?

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re no doubt aware that the Duggar family leans very far to the right in terms of their religious and political views.

That said, at least publicly, the Duggars make an effort to avoid alienating their non-white, non-ultra-conservative viewers (all four of them!).

But while they struggle to keep their more controversial beliefs under wraps the Duggar’s anti-gay views are no secret.

The family members aren’t as vocal about their more bigoted beliefs because they can scarcely afford to get wrapped up in another scandal in the wake of Josh Duggar’s sex crimes.

However, they’re soon to be tied to a family that’s just as homophobic, but far less afraid of sharing its views with the world.

As you may have heard, Joseph Duggar is courting Kendra Caldwell.

Naturally, the relationship has resulted in Duggar fan scrutiny directed at Kendra and her family.

Not surprisingly, Kendra’s father is a preacher.

What is surprising is that his views on homosexuality make the Duggars look downright enlightened by comparison.

Several media outlets have published excerpts from pamphlets that Paul Caldwell handed out to his conregation:

“Does God love Homosexuals?” one of the handouts read.

“This is a flawed question, there are no such things as Homosexuals.”

Yes, Paul believed there’s no such thing as homosexuality, a view that hasn’t exactly endeared him to the 

“If you read their literature you’ll see that they don’t actually believe that there are such thing as gay people, it’s almost a science-fiction idea that they have,” says local activist Joanna McCusker.

Of course, this is far from the first time that the Duggars have been criticized for their homophobic views.

Michelle Duggar has cut ties with her lesbian sister, Evelyn Ruark, allegedly because of her disapproval of Ruark’s lifestyle.

In 2014, Michelle campaigned on behalf of an aspiring Arkansas state senator, promising voters that the candidate would take a hard-line anti-LGBTQ stance.

So it’s unlikely that the Duggars see any problem with the Caldwell family’s close-minded stance.

However, some of their fans might feel very differently.
