Thursday, March 16, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Showered in Gifts by Tyler Baltierra Amidst Cheating Scandal!

For about a month now, we’ve been hearing persistent rumors that the unthinkable has happened.

We’ve been hearing that Tyler Baltierra has been cheating on Catelynn Lowell.

It seems crazy to even think about, doesn’t it? Catelynn and Tyler have been together since they were preteens, and though they’ve been through some rough times, they’ve always seemed deeply in love.

But still, a Teen Mom blind item about how “the MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit the storyline” was revealed to be about them.

And it’s been chaos ever since.

But now we’ve got a new piece of possible evidence that Tyler really may have cheated.

Check out this killer ring he recently gave Catelynn:

In the caption of this photo, Catelynn wrote “My husband is so sweet. A limited edition Beauty and the Beast ring. For real how did I get so lucky?!?!?”

It seems to be a pretty common custom for cheating cheaters to give their significant others fancy, special gifts as an apology for their adulterous ways.

But it’s also worth noting that Catelynn celebrated a birthday last weekend, and in her post about the ring she thanked Tyler for “the best birthday ever.”

So we can consider this mystery solved, right? But there are more just around the corner!

Because after posting the photo of the ring, Catelynn shared this meme:

Aaaaand we’re back to the cheating jokes.

Catelynn and Tyler both seem to be having a ball with the cheating rumors, making joke after joke (after joke after joke after …) about how he’s sleeping around and about how she’s the jilted wife.

This latest one is particularly disgusting — sorry if your appetite was ruined forever — but it fits right in with their new tradition of joking forever about one blind item.

Of course they’re free to make as many jokes as they want to, and they can handle rumors about themselves how they see fit, but it kind of seems like they’re dragging this whole thing out, right?

At this point, they’re fueling the rumors themselves.

But hey, maybe they like the attention, and that’s fair.

Goodness knows we like analyzing the hell out of each and every move this Teen Mom couple makes.
