Friday, March 17, 2017

Paris Jackson: I"m SICK of Talking About My Dad!

Like Paris Hilton and Paris, France before her, Paris Jackson is famous for reasons that have nothing to do with her personality.

Paris is the daughter of Michael Jackson, so she pretty much had fame thrust upon her from the day she was born.

In fairness, she’s beginning to make a name for herself as a model, but being born into one of music’s royal families certainly didn’t hurt with regard to getting her foot in the door.

Paris covers the new issue of Bazaar, and in an interview with Candace Bushnell (aka the real-life inspiration for Carrie Bradshaw) has some surprising things to say about her career and her iconic father.

“Growing up, I was treated as the favorite because I was the only girl. I was the princess; I was perfect in my dad’s eyes,” Paris says.

The 18-year-old adds that her sheltered upbringing made for a difficult transition into what she calls “the real world.”

“The first 12 years of my life I was homeschooled,” she tells the magazine.

“Which means that the only interactions I’d ever had were with family members or other adults.”

Paris says she “didn’t have social skills” as a child, adding, “I had to force myself to learn so fast.”

These days, she says she lives a mostly “solitary” existence (that apparently doesn’t preclude appearing on magazine covers), but believes she’s become a much better communicator.

“For the past six years, I’ve been learning how to communicate,” she says.

“And I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it.”

As for why she doesn’t give more interviews (kind of a strange question, as she gives a LOT of interviews), Paris says she gets bored with answering the same question:

“All anyone wants to talk about is my father, and it makes me sad,” she says.

And that’s understandable.

So why give interviews at all?

Paris seems a bit unsure on that score, but she offers this answer:

“It’s a complicated answer,” she tells Bushnell.

“It’s a feeling of doing something important, that actually matters, that’s going to impact people. Plenty of times I’ve thought about not doing anything in the public eye and having my own private life.”

We’re not sure how giving interviews amounts to doing something important, but hey, Paris seems happy and that’s all that matters.

If you’ve followed her career, you know she hasn’t always traveled the smoothest of roads.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and she says she still copes with a number of mental health issues.

More recently, Paris broke up with Michael Snoddy, an older boyfriend whom many saw as a dangerous opportunist.

Wasting no time, Paris has reportedly moved and begun dating Tony Oller.

She’s that level of famous where people will scrutinize her every move and worry no matter what she does, but fortunately she seems to be doing just fine.
