Monday, March 6, 2017

The Bachelor Promo: Could Rachel Lindsay Still Win?!

Nick Viall’s fourth journey to find love on ABC will come to an end next week, but will it play out as The Bachelor spoilers have indicated?

Only three women remain – one of whom will be The Bachelorette this summer, we"re told – but only two have a chance to win … right?

With apologies to 2Pac, all eyez will be on the 36-year-old software salesman when Viall hands out his final rose a week from tonight.

His no doubt emotional selection of The Bachelor winner will play out not just on the finale, but on the live After the Final Rose special.

But first, there"s tonight, which should be a doozy.

Nick"s overnight Fantasy Suite activities with Rachel Lindsay, Vanessa Grimaldi and Raven Gates could produce plenty of fireworks.

And, by recent indications, some big surprises.

The Bachelor creator and executive producer Mike Fleiss promises that the ending of Season 21 will “be historic,” for what that"s worth.

He even suggested a scenario that would go down as the biggest twist since Jason Mesnick dumped Melissa Rycroft for Molly Malaney.

"Maybe we said @TheRachLindsay was the new #TheBachelorette just to throw you off the track… Maybe she wins?" Fleiss teased.

Whoa there. Slow your roll there, Mr. Fleissmeister.

We know it"s his job to hype his own show and keep us guessing as to the outcome – no easy task in the age of The Bachelor spoilers.

Is it possible, though, that the announcement of Rachel Lindsay is The Bachelorette ahead of time was burying the lede in a sense?

NOTE: There"s no way she"s not The Bachelorette.

That"s not where we"re going with this. She"s too popular, and her rollout was too successful for ABC to simply lie about a fake Bachelorette.

Might she unexpectedly win the final rose over Vanessa and Raven, only to break up with Nick and take on the starring role after that?

Unlikely, but very much a plausible twist.

Most fans automatically assumed Rachel was a goner after her hometown date, before which she was announced as the heiress apparent.

She"s already defied that conventional wisdom by outlasting Corinne Olympios and her platinum vagine. Why can"t she make it to the end?

For more details on how it all plays out, follow the links above as we count down the days until the finale and After the Final Rose special.

In the meantime, two episodes remain, beginning with this evening"s, in which we find Nick wandering around freezing Finland in a daze.

He"s unsure what to do, for good reason. 

With Vanessa Grimaldi asking Nick to move to Canada, Rachel"s family talking racial issues, and Raven Gates" lifelong orgasm gap?

Let"s just say Viall has a lot on his plate.

The "historic" nature of the finale may turn out to be all hype, but either way, Nick has a couple of big decisions to make before we find out.

Many tears will be shed. Hearts will be broken. A proposal will be made, and maybe, just maybe, an orgasm will be reached at long last.

Seriously, we"re all pulling for Raven.

Check out this sneak peek from tonight"s penultimate episode and see how you think it will all play out in the coming hours, and weeks …

The bachelor promo could rachel lindsay still win