Monday, March 6, 2017

Meghan Markle: Getting the Cold Shoulder From Prince Harry in Jamaica?

As we reported last week, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are in Jamaica for the wedding of Harry’s friend and former wingman, Tom “Skippy” Inskip.

Normally, this would be the sort of trip where Harry’s pals would embarrass him by sharing stories of his youthful antics, but the man’s indiscretions already been well-covered by the UK tabloids.

Plus, Harry probably reserves the right to have his buddies beheaded if they piss him off.

Anyway, by most accounts, all is going well with the Prince and the Suits star.

In fact, some claim that Harry and Meghan are secretly engaged and already planning a wedding.

Harry and Meghan haven’t made many public appearances together, so some wedding quests were expecting major PDA as the couple’s way of sending a message that they are in fact dating, and are becoming quite serious in their relationship.

However, it seems the onlookers were disappointed by what appeared to be an somewhat irritable Harry giving Meghan the brush-off.

In photos from the wedding Harry does seem a bit standoffish, but it can be difficult to read body language from still photos.

Fortunately, several guests have refuted the interpretation of the pics, claiming that Harry and Meg were clearly head-over-heels for one another:

“Harry and Meghan seem very much in love,” one source tells People.

“It just feels very natural for them both. It feels easy — like they’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Meghan and Harry were kissing each other constantly and danced with each other. Everyone was very drunk,” a different insider tells The Sun.

That same source claims that at one point, Harry’s dance moves created a minor catastrophe.

“He was going backwards when he banged into a waitress carrying a tray of drinks and sent them flying,” the tipster claims.

“Harry gasped, looked shocked and put his hands on the waitress’s shoulders and apologized.

So there you have it:

Harry dances about as well as you would expect, and despite appearances to the contrary, he and Mag are doing quite well.

Of course, they probably wouldn’t give it away if they were having problems.

After all, Meghan is an actress.

At least we assume she is.

We’re told that Suits is a legal drama and not a reality show that takes place inside a Men’s Wearhouse, as we’d previously thought.

Frankly, we’re just too lazy to look it up.
