Monday, March 6, 2017

Husband Details IKEA Shopping Trip, Earns Our Sympathy

We have never met Imgur user Nathanael.

We don"t even know his last name.

And yet we can relate to Nathanael. We feel his pain. We"ve been where he"s been. We"re just grateful that he recently took us along for the painful ride.

Indeed, Nathanael and his wife just got back from a trip to IKEA.

This poor and confused husband didn"t really understand why his spouse felt a need to take this trip, considering the state of their apartment, but at least he shared every detail from the experience with his virtual pals on the Internet.

Scroll down for Nathanael"s hilarious photos and captions. His pain is our side-splitting gain…

1. We Are Here!

We are here

But… why are we here?

2. Lunch Time?

Lunch time

That’s cool and all, but we could have gone to Arby’s.

3. You Can’t Have Too Much Storage

You cant have too much storage

Or too many potential kids, apparently.

4. So… Many… Candles

So many candles

Honey, how bad do you think our home smells?!?

5. A Lesson for All Husbands Out There

A lesson for all husbands out there

This is what NOT to say, fellas.

6. Oh, Right! Mirrors!

Oh right mirrors

Of course we need these. How could I have forgotten?!?

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