Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ryan Reynolds Tells Fan to Get His Name Tattooed on His Ass; Fan Obliges

Ryan Reynolds is a real gem, just a great, funny, delightful human being.

He’s so wonderful that, like, who wouldn’t want to tattoo his name on their body?!

“Uh, me,” you might be thinking. “I would not be comfortable with tattooing Ryan Reynolds’ name upon my person, as cool as he may be.”

And that’s fine. That’s your prerogative.

Looks like you’re just not as dedicated as 18-year-old Ryan Reynolds mega fan, Dustin.

See, earlier this month, this kid tweeted a simple message to Ryan: “If you like this I’ll tattoo your name on my butt.”

Ryan did like it, because ha ha, right? But what he may not have been counting on is that young Dustin is a man of his word. And Dustin did get that tattoo just a couple of weeks later.

“Your wish is my command,” he tweeted at Ryan over the weekend, along with this glorious photo:

He did it. He really did it.

And the internet is absolutely living for it.

“BRUH YOU REALLY DID DONE DAT,” one of his new fans tweeted excitedly, to which Dustin replied “I had to keep my word.”

“Oh my god is this f-cking comic sans,” another pointed out.

It is — and it’s also bolded and italicized, Dustin revealed.

One girl fairly wrote that “If I was hooking up with a guy n I saw a Ryan Reynolds tattoo on his ass I would know I made the right decision.”

But Dustin isn’t only getting attention from Twitter: the guy’s ass was on the Today Show this morning.

He did an interview with Buzzfeed, too, explaining that “I saw someone else tweet him saying they’d buy 10 Deadpool DVDs if he liked their tweet, and he did like it, so I thought I’d do something similar.”

“I just thought it’d be funny to get a tattoo, so I said if he liked my tweet I’d do it.”

He added that though several people have told him that he’ll regret the tattoo one day, it will always be “a funny story to tell.”

But while several media outlets are picking up the story of Dustin’s incredible tattoo, Ryan Reynolds himself still hasn’t acknowledged it.

And to Dustin, that’s a bummer.

“I don’t care about any of this media attention,” he tweeted earlier today. “I’m ready for it to die down despite it being hilarious lol. All I want is Ryan to tweet me.”

So Ryan, please, tweet him. Pay attention to his butt tattoo.

Do the right thing.
