Thursday, April 6, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Throwing Shade at Jana Duggar For Being Single?

Feuds within the Duggar family are rare as Jim Bob and Michelle have clearly taught their children from a young age that emotions are the Devil’s playthings.

The Duggar children spend their lives (or at least their public lives) with ear-to-ear grins plastered on their faces, even when the topic of conversation is … not so pleasant.

But sometimes a little humanity slips through even the most unfeeling facade, and some folks say that’s exactly what happened during a recent group interview with the eldest Duggar daughters.

The ladies sat down with an outlet called Crown of Beauty, which claims to be a magazine, but appears to be a website that’s run by someone who’s under the mistaken impression that print still equals legitimacy in 2017.

Anyway, CoB asked the Duggars to provide dating tips for its younger readers (presumably the 50-64 year olds demographic), and predictably, their responses were along the lines of “wait for Jesus to tap you on the shoulder and point to the dude who will fill you with babies.”

Jana, being a 27-year-old virgin, didn’t have a whole lot to offer in terms of relationship advice, so she offered up some tips on the virtues of “waiting,” a topic on which she’s now surpassed Kate Middleton as the world’s number one expert:

“I believe we all go through times of learning to be content wherever we are in life,” Jana told the esteemed periodical of record on matters pertaining to crowns and beauty.

“Whether you are a young kid waiting to be finished with school, a young person waiting to get married, then once married, waiting to have a child, then waiting for your children to go up.” 

Solid advice, we suppose.

But Joy-Anna (who’s currently courting Austin Forsyth) followed up Jana’s observations about cats, knitting, and knitting things for your cats with a comment that some fans are interpreting as thinly-veiled trash talk.

“Lord willing, [in five years] I will be married and a mother,” Joy-Anna said.

Yes, courtship shade.

It may be a type of shade that Joy-Anna just invented.

It’s not an overt diss, of course, but it’s sort of like when you’re married friend compliments you for being strong, then says something like, “I don’t know HOW you live without a man around the house!”

We’re not saying Joy-Anna intended to throw shade, but we are saying there’s pretty much no way Jana didn’t shoot her a serious look after that comment.

If she somehow restrained herself, she’s officially the strongest person alive.
