Monday, May 1, 2017

Jeremy Calvert: Cheating on Brooke Wehr! Back With Leah Messer?!

As fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know, Leah Messer has gone through some seriously ugly breakups during her time on the show.

While she certainly has her share of sympathetic fans, Messer usually takes the majority of the blame for the messy endings to her messy relationships.

Now, however, there’s reason to believe that everything she said about Jeremy Calvert being a less-than-stellar partner was absolutely true:

Last month, Jeremy’s relationship with Brooke Wehr publicly exploded when Wehr accused Calvert of cheating on her with TM2 producer Mandi Venturino “and about 1,000 other people.”

One of those people, it seems, was Wehr’s best friend, Leeann Chapman.

Brooke publicly exposed the alleged affair on Instagram over the weekend.

And because this is 2017, a time in which everything we do leaves a digital paper trail, she came equipped with receipts:

Brooke Wehr Instagram

Yes, Brooke claims the above text message screen shot is proof positive that Calvert carried on a months-long affair with her Chapman.

In her description of the illicit relationship, she doesn’t let either of the the cheating parties off easy:

“Here’s part of the truth since everybody wants to call me a liar and cheater and everything else,” Wehr wrote.

Here’s a screenshot between my best f**king friend leeann and jeremy who had been hooking up behind my back the whole f**king time we were together.”

She added:

“Sucks that I just found this out. These two sorry excuses for human beings are literally the scum of the earth! @leeannchappell”

We think it’s safe to say that Calvert and Wehr are official dunz-o at this point.

But that doesn’t mean he’ll be shacking up with Leeann any time soon.

In fact, there’s reason to believe he might be in the process of reuniting with his beleaguered baby mama:

Yes, Jeremy has apparently been spending some time hanging out with Leah.

Several photos of Calvert and Messer hanging out popped up on Leah’s Instagram page over the weekend, and some fans are convinced the former couple is on the verge of getting back together.

Apparently Calvert was on hand to help Leah celebrate her 25th birthday.

She seemed to anticipate that fans would jump to conclusions based on the photos.

“Just a little fun, that’s all!!!!” Leah captioned the pic.

It seemed to be her way of assuring fans that she and Jeremy are still just friends.

Of course, rumors about Messer and Calvert getting back together have been circulating pretty much non-stop from the time they broke up, so Leah probably won’t have much success in dousing the wildfire of speculation.
